Thursday, October 29, 2020

Write An Interesting Italian Press Release For Your Company Or Events


Do you know everyday how many press releases does a journalist receive? Competition is high. To be not trashed out, your press release needs to be attractive and clear from the first lines, just like a ready-to go article. 

How can I help you? I can see the details that tell the story of your brand or product. A press release is not just a set of clear informations and contact list. To be effective, it must be interesting.  

Why can I help you? I am a freelance journalist, working in the PR.

When I did my internship at Adnkronos, one of the most important Italian national news agencies, one of my main activities was to control and select press releases. I know what kind of press release  media want.

What I need from you? I need you to provide me with informations about your company/product/event in order to understand the tone of voice and the brand story. 


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