Thursday, September 24, 2020

Gis Remote Sensing Analysis With Report Writing


GIS Project and Remote Sensing Project Analysis 

  • Screenshots for each step  
  • Maps/Graphs/Outputs  

Make a Full Report For The Analysis 

  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction  
  • Methods  
  • Results  
  • Discussion and Summary  
  • References/Citations  

Related Topics

  • Satellite Image Processing  
  • Georeferencing       
  • Digitizing     
  • Image Enhancement             
  • NDVI Analyzing  
  • Density Slicing            
  • Image Classification (Unsupervised, Supervised, Object Based etc)
  • Accuracy Assesment

  • Risk Analysis
  • Image Fusion

  • Geo-Database handling
  • Vectorizing

  • Terrain_Data_Processing

  • LiDAR/SAR data processing
  • Statistical Analizing
  • DTM processing and orthophoto production

  • Contour generation from DTM

  • Watershed calculation & hydrology study

  • Map making

  • Geospatial analysis & all types of geoprocessing
  • 3D GIS spatial modeling 

  • Your Extra/Special Requirements

** Even if you are in a hurry, a short discussion about your topic needs before the order.


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I really like this seller. He is perfect. Highly recommend this seller, fast and expert. Thank you.

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Thank you so much for being my client for so long! I do appreciate it!

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green, awesome, clear and fast thank you

Seller's Response:

As usual Good job Chalitha, highly recommend this seller. Expert , quick response and very helpful. Thanks


Thanks for your feed back, reviews and the TIP. I am pleased to work with. I would like to work again.

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