Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Prepare Your Management Assignment


A proud service of H&A Business Consultants Private Limited, Sri Lanka

We have identified the critical factors for achieving a higher ranking for your assignment;
>> Following the marking criteria and fulfill all requirements for a highest-level pass
>> Ensuring that all learning objectives are covered
>> Obtaining information only from the lecture materials, module reading list, and supplementary textbooks
>> Obtaining information from research articles and books and avoid websites

>> Following the critical writing style (Critical writing involves considering evidence to make reasoned conclusions)
>> Preparing the full assignment including executive summary, introduction, conclusion, recommendations
>> Maintaining a lower plagiarism level below 10% (0 – 10% based on your university requirements)

We write all management subjects including;
>> Strategies Management
>> Marketing
>> Human Resources Management
>> Accounting and Finance
>> Innovations Management
>> Strategic Change Management
>> Project Management
>> Operations Management
>> Business Law
>> Strategic Entrepreneurship


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