Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Research A Grant For You


I will do web-based grant research for your non-profit based upon your specifications for funding priorities, grant type, and location of funding organization. Not only can I save your organization precious time, but I have a GrantStation membership so you don't have to!

I have experience with research for all types of nonprofits. I guarantee results for any package you purchase, even if this means spending additional time (at no charge to you) to provide you with eligible grants.

Every possible grant I provide you will have as much information as I can find, including the name of funding organization, description of grant, contact information, grant deadline and average grant amount (if available), as well as a link for additional information.

If you need more grants, please check out my other gigs for 5-8, 8-12, or 12-16 possible funding opportunities!

Please message me if you have any questions, I am always happy to help!



I try to find some good fit grant opportunities for the foundation Thank you so much


OMG! She delivered the information extremely fast and it was tailored to my needs. Thank you! I look forward to working with you again soon!


Can't wait to dig into these even further!


Outstanding Experience



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