Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Guide In Microeconomics And Macroeconomics Topics


Hello Customer,

Welcome and thanks for visiting my gig and so far you have made the right decision. This gig will provide guidance in Economics topics raging from Macroeconomics, microeconomics to economic integration issues. Topics but not limited will include;

·         Microeconomic theory

o   Consumer demand theory

o   Production theory

o   Cost of production theory of value

o   Opportunity cost

·         Microeconomic models

o   Supply and demand

·  Market structure

o   Perfect competition

o   Imperfect competition

o   Monopolistic competition

o   Monopoly

o   Oligopoly

o   Monopsony

o   Bilateral monopoly

o   Oligopsony

· Game theory

Macroeconomics topics include;

· Unemployment and inflation

· Aggregate economic activities and fluctuations

· Fiscal policy

· Monetary policy

· International trade


Please contact me before placing an order.

Best regards



: : : : :

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